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Our Investment Process

“Our investment philosophy has and will always value long-term discipline, a laser-focus on risk management, and diversification to protect and grow your family's wealth.”

– Patrick Fruzzetti

Rose Investment Process Image

Our Investment Management Process

We work with clients to understand their liquidity, cash flow and long-term needs to create a custom portfolio that is diversified, tax-efficient and focused on the long run. All areas of your financial life impact one another and help formulate our strategy. The investment philosophy, manifested through individual security selection, is derived from a macro, non-consensus view which places maximum emphasis on risk management. Hightower’s open-architecture platform allows us to complement our traditional investment strategy through partnerships with “best-in-breed” alternative asset class investors.

Rose Investment Process

Investment Process


Successful stock selection does not happen in isolation. Our wealth management team places a strong emphasis on the following:

  • Current events and potential impact on the markets

  • Changes in global markets, both economically and politically

  • Shifts in global and domestic demographic trends


Based on defined macro themes, we determine the main beneficiaries by:

  • Finding geographies, sectors and industries with the best risk/reward ratios defined by macro views

  • Taking a top-down value-oriented approach with a deep fundamental analysis

  • Taking a contrarian view to identify opportunities that are misunderstood by the market


Based on the most likely beneficiaries of the defined macro view, our team emphasizes the following for stock selection:

  • Large-cap stocks (generally) as they offer quality, liquidity and opportunity

  • High-quality companies with organic revenue and profit growth

  • Companies with a sustainable business model and diversified customer base

  • We target “reversion to the mean” stocks that have lagged their peers.

  • We are style agnostic, but we do not practice momentum investing.

  • We know investing is a probabilistic exercise. Our team looks for stocks that have been overlooked, misunderstood or facing low expectations by the investment community, thus providing a wider margin of safety on a risk/reward basis.

  • We analyze and review daily news flow, reports and quarterly earnings.

  • We evaluate various analyst reports that are contrary to the team’s thesis in order to solidify their conviction.

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Securities offered through Hightower Securities, LLC, Member FINRA/SIPC, Hightower Advisors, LLC is a SEC registered investment adviser.

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